Monday, September 6, 2010

September 6th 2010

So it's been a while since i have been on here! i went to Ohio for a month, i have been to the Jonas Brothers concert, Junior year started, Camp Rock 2 premiered, and today.... i went to the Joe Jonas iWin Fun Run! it was an amazing experience! The run was to raise money for the Special Olympics. i raised 400 dollars :) and i got to see Joe and Nick. Kevin Wasnt there :( TOMORROW! Road Dogs game at 12:30, Soundcheck at 4:30, MEET AND GREET WITH THE JONAS BROTHERS at 6, and 7th row to the concert at 8! Tomorrow is going to be the best day ever! I won a meet and greet through Team Jonas and was in the middle of Pets mart when i rread it. hahaha you should have seen me! i burst out crying in the middle of the store. I have never been soo happy in my life! so tomorrow i get to meet them and take a picture with them :) SOO EXCITED! anywayyyyy gottaa goo :) byeeeee

Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 43

I don't think any one will ever understand how much i hate Florida. I can't even walk outside it is so hot and muggy :/ ONLY 4 MORE DAYS TILL I AM OUT THOUGH!!!!! :) Tomorrow i am going to dye my hair, so today is my last day of being a blonde! i am scared but excited at the same time, ha ha. we used to have a family friend do it for free and that is the only way my mom could afford it. then she moved away sooo, i haven't gotten highlights in 11 months, sooo the top of my hair is brown and the bottom blonde, and it looks stupid. ha ha so I am prob just gonna dye it all brown so that it is less noticeable when my hair grows out and i can save money with it. I love my blonde sooo much and growing up I ALWAYS wanted to be blonde, but i have to think about the fact that if i go and get my highlights re done tomorrow, i am just going to have to go through the same thing that i am right now in a couple months.. Also i have lost 49 pounds since July 18th 2009. I need change, my mom hasn't had any money to buy me new clothes (except for a couple things, but mostly dresses which i can't wear on a daily basis) so about 95% of my clothes are HUGE on me. I look stupid! after loosing almost 50 pounds i want a complete makeover! my mom got me contacts, now dyeing my hair, and when i get back to Ohio she is gonna get me some new clothes. so when i come back to school for my Junior year, i will look completely different :) anyway, I'm gonna goo. 4 days till Ohio, 25 days till my 7th Jonas Brothers concert, 49 days till Camp Rock 2, and 53 days till my 8th Jonas Brothers concert! byee

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 40

Okay, so in middle school i was best friends with these girls Julia and Cassie. In 7th grade i also wore a Pink Roxy jacket EVERYWHERE i went. it barley came off of me and i was obsessed with it. I went to Cassies one day and i left it there. for a long time she told me that she never saw it and i must have left it somewhere else. then a year later she came out and told me that she had spilled nail polish on it and that she threw it out. I was mad cause my mom could have gotten it out! i got over it, but then freshman year she became a total slut and said i was immature because i didnt go up and talk to random guys and have sex with different guys every week, soo we stopped being friends. this morning i get on face book and see a picture of my jacket! i am just like what the hell..... like why the hell would you even lie about that?! just say I am sorry, i spilt nail polish on it. And being the nasty weird 7th grader i was, i probably still would have worn it. lmao I am still friends with Julia so i asked her to get it from her, but cassie probably wont give it to her. ugh anywayyy. OHIO IN 7 DAYS!!! i will be on the plane in exctaly one week right now! i leave at 11:15 and get in at 5 something :) soo excited!!! OH and i got contacts on saturday! they feel sooo weird, and on sunday i spent like 40 mins trying to get them in. lmao they wouldnt work! haha and yesterday, my contact went up into my eye! sooo scary! but today i got BOTH of my contacts in on the 3rd try. i am SO proud of myself! :) so yeaa 7 days till Ohio,28 days till my 7th Jonas Brothers concert, 52 days till Camp Rock 2, and 56 days till my 8th Jonas Brothers concertt!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 32

HOLY CRAP!!!! sooo i was bored and decided to see what kind of tickets were avaible for the Jonas Brothers cleveland show and those tickets were sold on a different site then ticketmaster, and this site had a full map and showed where the catwalks are going to be... If the stage is set up the same at that venue as the Jonas brothers concert in west palm beach, My friend and i are going to be THE FIRST ROW AT THE END OF THE CATWALK!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!! I am FREAKING out! i CAN NOT wait! :D :D :D :D sooo anywayyyy.... yesterday was 4th of July.. It rained alll dayy sooo we didnt get to do much. haha but yea. I am so excited about going to Ohio on the 20th! Only 15 more days!! I am so ready for change it is insane. haha but yea.. i just needed to vent about how excited i am for the Jonas Brothers concerts! 15 days till Ohio, 36 days till my 7th Jonas Brothers concert, 60 days till Camp Rock 2, and 64 days till my 8th Jonas Brothers concert!!! byeee. :)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 29

Wow... Today has been a CRAZY day for Jonas Fans... This morning the Jonas Brothers announced the NEW tour dates... they cancelled 20 shows.. and rescheduled many more. Luckly my Ohio concert on August 10th is still the same, but my West Palm Beach show got moved from October 9th to september 7th. which is good and bad at the same time. Good cause its over a month earlier! so my countdown went from 99 days to 67! but bad because October 9th is a saturday... september 7th is a tuesday... why would they even have concerts on a tuesday?? all there fans are younger and still in school! but whatever. My parents and my friends parents both said we could skip school that day so it's all better now. haha But i feel sooo bad for everyone who's shows got cancelled! when they had moved my date i didn't see it at first and thought they had cancelled the concert and actually started crying, then i noticed it was just a different date. but yea, All the Jonas Fans are going CRAZY. but whateverrrr. My sister went on that Vacation to Sea Island without me. She left yesterday and ended up getting a speeding ticket. LMFAO HAHAHAHAH that's what she gets for leaving me behind! My Mommy bought my plane ticket to Ohio soo i will officially be gone in 18 days! woop woop! so yeaa. 18 days till Ohio, 39 days till my 7th Jonas Brothers concert, and 67 Days till my 8th Jonas Brothers concert! byeeee~~~

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 25

I am soo mad at my sister. Like i said before she is going to be working at my school next year. Right now her job is at the Marriott, so we get hotels VERY cheap. this is the last year we will ever be able to go somewhere cause we could NEVER afford full price, yet she refuses to take me anywhere :( and I found out last night she is going to Sea Island this weekend for the 4th of july to meet up with my Brother and His Girlfriend. meaningggg this weekend is going to suck even more then i thought it would. What makes it so annoying is she hears me say how much i hate it here, she she sees me crying cause i want out but she dosnt care! she is just gonna have her own fun. ugh. i needed to vent. haha so yea.. byeeee 22 days till Ohio, 43 more days till my 7th Jonas Brothers Concert, 67 days till Camp Rock 2, and 103 more days till my 8th Jonas Brothers Concert!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 19.

So it is 10:54 and today is ALREADY going horrible. last night they made the iphone update aviable. So, i updated my iphone. I didnt think anything of it. turns out it deleted EVERYTHING. My contacts, My text messages, EVERYTHING is gone. i have NEVER deleted any text messages off that phone before soo, i was freaking out. and all my personal reminders with the notes and stuff.. gone. and i was up till 3:00 last night trying to get some stuff back. and i was able to get it somewhat back to normal ( although the new update makes your iphone look ugly sooo it still is annoying lol) my mom had told me to call apple this morning so i did... she told me i could restore my phone to the last back up i did. and EVERY time i plug my phone in, it always says backing up. so i was like okay sweet, ill get my contacts and messages back... i did the back up, and all it did was put it back to the same settings i had yesterday. so now the numbers that i got back and all the things i put back to normal i have to REDO! i am not happy with apple right now at all. ugh. so yea... i still have alot of work to do to get it back to somewhat how i like it. but whatever. today is going to be another boring day where i do nothing. i am entering for a Jonas Brothers contest so my friend might come over after she gets done with work and help me out.. but im not sure. so yea.. 28 days till im in Ohio, 49 till my 7th Jonas Brothers concert, 73 till Camp Rock 2, and 109 till my 8th Jonas Brothers concert. :) lets just hope i can get through today. haha