Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 25

I am soo mad at my sister. Like i said before she is going to be working at my school next year. Right now her job is at the Marriott, so we get hotels VERY cheap. this is the last year we will ever be able to go somewhere cause we could NEVER afford full price, yet she refuses to take me anywhere :( and I found out last night she is going to Sea Island this weekend for the 4th of july to meet up with my Brother and His Girlfriend. meaningggg this weekend is going to suck even more then i thought it would. What makes it so annoying is she hears me say how much i hate it here, she she sees me crying cause i want out but she dosnt care! she is just gonna have her own fun. ugh. i needed to vent. haha so yea.. byeeee 22 days till Ohio, 43 more days till my 7th Jonas Brothers Concert, 67 days till Camp Rock 2, and 103 more days till my 8th Jonas Brothers Concert!

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